Why a Hybrid Solar Vehicle?
In these web pages the reasons for studying and developing
a Hybrid Solar Vehicle are presented, and the related
topics discussed:
- fossil fuels, largely used for car
propulsion, are doomed to depletion;
- the CO2 generated by the combustion processes
occurring in conventional thermal engines contribute to the greenhouse
effects, with dangerous and maybe dramatic effects on global
warming and climatic changes;
- energy consumption and CO2
emissions related to car and transportation are increasing;
- solar energy is renewable, free and
largely diffused;
- Photovoltaic Panels are subject to continuous
technological advances and cost reductions...
- ...but solar cars do not represent a
practical alternative to conventional cars, due to limitations on maximum
power, range, dimensions and costs...
- ...while Hybrid Electric Vehicles represent an effective
mid-term solution to the reduction of fuel consumption and of the related
- Therefore, in principle, Hybrid Solar Vehicles
could sum up the advantages of HEV and solar power, by the integration
of Photovoltaic Panels in a Hybrid Electric Vehicle.
- One may of course observe that the power obtained by conventional
photovoltaic panels on the roof of a normal car is about two orders
of magnitude less than the car maximum power: is it worth it?
- On the other hand, recent statistics
show that a significant percent of users drive their car mostly in urban
areas, less than one hour per day and with only the driver on board;
- and, in these conditions, the energy obtained by photovoltaic
panels during driving and, mainly, the energy accumulated into the
battery during parking mode, may represent
a significant fraction of the energy required to propulsion.
- In order to maximize the benefits of solar energy, a substantial re-design
of the vehicle is needed, assisted by suitable methodologies and mathematical
- New and advanced control systems
and strategies are also required to optimize energy flows between vehicle
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