EuropeLeonardo Da VinciEducation Culture
Alfano Primo DIMEC E.R.F.A.P. ElettroSannio Budapest University of Tecnology and Economics Universite de Haute Alsace Dunarea de Jos  University Galati Istanbul Teknik Universitesi PST Auto Consulting DIIIE
Graphics by Marco Coraggio
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission
Untitled Document


Institutions and companies that have generously contributed to this project are gratefully acknowledged:



Automobile Club Salerno has offered the electric vehicle Micro-Vett Porter.



Lombardini has offered the engine/generator group.



Saggese has offered the mechanical support to photovoltaic panels.




CIMEP has offered support to mount the engine/generator group.



CRF has contributed to the engine control system development.



ARTS has contributed to data acquisition and control