2nd International Workshop on
Hybrid and Solar Vehicles
September 14, 2007, University of Salerno, Italy

Purpose | Topics | Program and Proceedings | Previous Edition | Important Dates | Venue | Committees | Fees | Sponsors | Mailing List | Contacts | Reserved Area

Last updated: July 31, 2007


The second edition of the "International Workshop on Hybrid and Solar Vehicles" will be held at the University of Salerno, in the South of Italy, September 14, 2007. It follows the successful first edition, hold on November 5-6, 2006 (free proceedings available here). The Workshop aims to stimulate discussion on latest advances on Hybrid Solar Vehicles, Hybrid Vehicles, Solar Vehicles and related topics.

Related events

The Workshop is scheduled as part of the 62° Congresso Nazionale ATI (September 11-14, 2007, University of Salerno), and few days before the 8th International Conference on Engines for Automobile ICE2007, to be held in Capri, 50 km from Salerno, September 16-19, 2007. On Saturday September 15, 2007, the final meeting of the Leonardo project "Energy Conversion Systems and Their Environmental Impact" will be held in Salerno.


Hybrid Solar Vehicles, Solar Vehicles, Hybrid Electric Vehicles, Batteries, Photo-Voltaic Panels for automotive applications, Advanced Electric Motors and Generators for Hybrid Vehicles, Internal Combustion Engines for Hybrid applications, Fuel-Cell for automotive applications.

Program and Proceedings

The final program with papers in PDF format is available at this link.

Previous Edition

The 1st edition of the Workshop has been held at the University of Salerno November 5-6, 2006. The proceedings can be downloaded for free at this page.

Important dates

  • An extended abstract, up to 4 pages, should be sent until March 15, 2007.
  • Acceptance/Rejection and reviewer comments will be communicated until April 15, 2007.
  • Final paper up to 8 pages (template and sample pages available here) should be received until June 15, 2007.


Salerno by night
The Campus of the University of Salerno

The Workshop will be held at the University of Salerno (Campus of Fisciano), in the heart of Campania, a region of South Italy with many cultural, artistic and natural treasures. Salerno is a very beatiful city lying in the middle of a panoramic bay between the Amalfi coast and the Cilento coast. Naples, Capri, Amalfi, Pompei, Positano, Paestum, Padula are all very close to Salerno.

Gallery of pictures of Campania Region


Convento San Michele (*)

Via Bastioni, 8 - 84100 Salerno
Tel +39 089 2753602
Fax +39 089 255034

Prices for the participants to the Workshop (Breakfast included):

  • Single Room: € 35.45
  • Double Room: € 44.55
Ostello di Salerno "Ave Gratia Plena" (*)

Via Canali - 84100 Salerno
Tel +39 089 234776
Fax +39 089 2581874


Prices (Breakfast included):
  • Single Room: € 26.00
  • Double/Triple/Quadruple Room: € 20.00
  • Four Beds: € 17.50
  • Height Beds: € 14.00
Jolly Hotel

Lungomare Trieste, 1 - 84100 Salerno
Tel +39 089 225222
Fax +39 089 237571


Prices (Breakfast included):
  • Single Room: € 115.00
  • Double: € 135.00
  • Suite: € 215.00

(*) Please mention your participation to the Workshop.

Hotel Reservations must be made directly with the hotel, at your earliest convenience.


A Bus Service (SITA) is available from Naples International Airport (Capodichino) to Salerno. Timetable and details available here.

Additional information on travel, hotels, weather and further details on the venue is available at this page: http://www.ifac04.unisa.it/venue (please not that hotel prices at that page are updated to 2004)



Prof. Gianfranco Rizzo, DIMEC, University of Salerno, Italy, email grizzo@unisa.it

Scientific Committee

I.Arsie, DIMEC, Univ. of Salerno (I); M.Basset, UHA, Mulhouse (F); J.Bokor, BUTE, Budapest (HU); E.Chiappini, Univ. of L’Aquila (I); G.Gissinger, UHA, Mulhouse (F); L.Guvenç, ITU, Istanbul (TR); Y.Guezennec, OSU, Columbus (USA); L.Guzzella, ETH, Zurich (CH); I.Ionita, Univ. of Galati (RO); T.Peter, BUTE, Budapest (HU); C.Pianese, DIMEC, Univ.of Salerno (I); G.Rizzo, DIMEC, Univ. of Salerno (I); G.Rizzoni, OSU, Columbus, Ohio (USA); G.Spagnuolo, DIIIE, Univ. of Salerno (I).

Organizing Committee

I.Arsie, C.Pianese, G.Rizzo, M.Sorrentino, R.Di Martino, S.Di Iorio, A.Esposito, F.Bernardo, DIMEC, University of Salerno (Italy); G.Spagnuolo, G.Petrone, DIIIE, University of Salerno, Italy.


The fee for the participation to the Worskshop is Euro 200,00 and it includes the Proceedings, the lunch, coffee breaks and gala dinner. This special fee is reserved to delegates coming from abroad. Italian delegates will be requested to register to the ATI National Congress.


Sponsored by the University of Salerno

Sponsored by the European Commission, within the Leonardo Project I/05/B/F/PP-154181 "Energy Conversion Systems and Their Environmental Impact"

Automobile Club Salerno
Provincia di Salerno
Co-sponsored by the Technical Committee "Automotive Control" of the IFAC (International Federation of Automatic Control):


Mailing List

Fill in your email address to subscribe our Newsletter


Gianfranco Rizzo, Tel. +39 089 964069, FAX +39 089 964037, grizzo@unisa.it