EuropeLeonardo Da VinciEducation Culture
Alfano Primo DIMEC E.R.F.A.P. ElettroSannio Budapest University of Tecnology and Economics Universite de Haute Alsace Dunarea de Jos  University Galati Istanbul Teknik Universitesi PST Auto Consulting DIIIE
Graphics by Marco Coraggio
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission
Untitled Document

Second Partners Meeting

The Second Partner Meeting will be held Sunday November 5 in Salerno at PST. The Parco Scientifico and Tecnologico di Salerno e delle Aree Interne della Campania (PST) has its offices in the handsome Pedace Building situated in the historic centre of Salerno (Via Porta Catena, 52 - 84121 Salerno, Tel. +39 089 256611 pbx, Fax +39 089 225397, see map).

The schedule is the following: we will meet from 10:00 to 13:00 to discuss past, undergoing and future tasks of the project. After the lunch break, we will meet again in the afternoon (from 14:00 to 18:00) to check the material prepared by each single partner to meet the Intermediate Report dues, including Financial Tables.

At the end of the Partners Meeting, we will move to Convento San Michele (see map), where the Welcome Meeting (19:00-22:00) for the Workshop on Hybrid and Solar Vehicles will take place.